Saturday, April 25, 2009


Schadenfreude is pleasure derived from the misfortunes of others. Philosopher and sociologist Theodor Adorno defined schadenfreude as “largely unanticipated delight in the suffering of another which is cognized as trivial and/or appropriate Schadenfreude.(CCP from wikipedia :) )
This is quite an interesting concept i came across when i was reading my super deep books(i can sense you laughing.. fine i flicked it from boston legal). anyway so food for thought.. dont we all want to see that mean bitch from college go down.. that bitch who makes fun of everyone in her blog.. that "bloody hypocrite" who cant take criticism against herself.. tch tch wouldn it be the best thing in the world if something so evil happened to her..
Schadenfreude.. its a wonderful feeling Ive heard.. and why wouldnt it be.. dont we all want to see what can break a person.. watch them suffer and "anonymously" take pleasure in it..
And everyone of us has done it.. why so have i.. its just a thing too dark to really say out loud.. "hey i take pleasure in ur suffering" but honestly we ask for it.. i mean when you can be fake nice to everyone why take the trouble to be honest.. (im going to get a lot of "you hypocrite" comments right now)
So my point basically is.. we all make mistakes.. some bigger than the other which pretty much induces feeling of Schadenfreude towards you.. rule of life.. we just gotta accept it and move on.. and the actual point im trying to make here is that while im supposed to be studying.. i voice random thoughts which i myself wont be reading after this.. i dont know how you good people get the strength to tolerate the blog and make all the effort to make comments.. (some more spiteful than the other)..
Ahh well Schadenfreude all the way... :)

Friday, April 17, 2009

stupidity is still not a valid excuse!

For the record the title of the blog has nothing to do with the post, as always.. i never seem to be able to think of titles.. its quite saddening really, no no dont worry i will not torture will senti post.. anyway.. long interval between post due to existence of a life(unlike u! ha!), i sometimes wonder why i dont get beaten up more..
My most recently heard outrageous line..something in effect criticizing blogging as being another excuse for social networking or some such nonsense..i see lack of creative talent taking a toll. tch tch.. forgive my narcissistic "oh im so cool" tone, it is exam time.. and its recession time(people use that as an excuse for everything so...)
exactly a month before i return to the bangalore fakees, start over dressing and being nice to people i cant stand.. really looking forward to it.. what the hell im even going to call for a "cottons" reunion.. would really test my patience.. and i also get to use my title after every sentence.. LG(life's good, abbreviations rock.. im so cool.. recession)
for those who are interested, "antagonizing melancholy" is over.. not like there really was any(now that i am "cool" again and can deny the entire thing, notice how the "cool" can be twisted to be used anywhere.. go fakees!)
time to bitch..(finally! i hate having to make small talk to seem normal before i can actually come to my favorite section!).. professional colleges shock me.. the lack of sense of unity and overpowering individual interests is preposterous.. i miss school where everyone used to stand up and rebel if someone is aggrieved.. here everyone other person is just another person who u have to step over for that six figure salary.. very sad guys.. and this lack of spirit gives leverage to the management to make outrageous laws and stupid rules not to mention hire incompetent teachers.. i mean they'r living in johpur for a job.. what else can u expect.. and not to mention.. except the English teacher everyone speaks in Hindi, not like im a not a fan of the whole national language nonsense(only because the framers of the constitution didn kno better) but there are people who actually dont understand anything of what these losers are saying, i say they're blessed. half baked wrong info is always worse than no info.. tch..
funniest thing ive heard this week: we had this concept of slave on graduation day where a junior had to the slave of a 5th yr for a day.. now slaves are also known as genes.. but some of the 5th years insisted on calling them "jacks" for reasons only known to them.. so in the graduation speeches you had stuff like "id really like to thank my jack for showing up" "... a wonderful jack, thank you for all the support", "... to thank my jack for the wonderful time", "... my jack for the most amazing day".. "you are my favorite jack.."... i seemed to be the only one finding all this real funny.. cuss my diry mind.. tch tch
oh also i heard someone say "understoodable today".. mwahahahaha..

Monday, April 6, 2009

antagonizing melencholy

ok people, no sarcasm wit or fun in this blog, bad day=mood to philosophise.. so read ahead at your own risk.. have you ever encountered those times when you suddenly wake up and realise youve been living life in one big delusion, if you have and your trying to emphatise with me "ha! suckers too bad", none of that happened to me, what did happen that lead to the melencholy was that i suddenly sat up(there was no waking up since theres no sleep in law schools) and realised the derilium ive been in the past few days was one big delusion(yea yea i learned new words! gosh), anyhu, so when realisation struck, full sadness happened and thought process went into overdrive and then i got bored of thinking and all, ohh it was one big chain of events.. the point im trying to make here is that, sometimes we tend to believe exactly what we want too despite all facts and situation scream of a big uncertainity trait.. its like the mind plants memories that never existed so that the present state of ignorant bliss stays.. trust me its the worst feeling, and its the hardest to express.. its like you cant take another failure so u plant an event of success and revel in it, ughhh, this is probably the most whiny and philo il ever get, im actually quite suprised at myself, im generally not this lame(ref. previous blogs), but well yea. bad day brings out the worst in some gonna laugh the next time i read it, like a bad hangover photographed and framed.. anyway im sure you people think im having major problems and identity issues.. well again "ha! suckers your wrong again", its a simple case of peer pressure and teenage boy problems.. although the theories based on it was all very sound, this post sucked! but im sad and im gonna cry now.. blecxxxhhh.. actually not really, im jus gonna whine a little more in a more communicative medium.. and i hereby make blogspot promise never to write emo blogs again.. ughhhhhh