Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Freudian slips

The most recent of my present stupidities. I was attempting to make small talk with a friend through SMS, a means of communication i had revived after many a long abstinence simply because i perceived i had gotten too cool for the same.
Anyway the small talk was going brilliantly and i prided myself on my awesome social skills. Just then my current and improved version cellphone decided to play a cruel trick.
The statement i indented to write was as follows: "I could not get an internship at such short notice"
The statement T9 decided to make of it was: "I could not get an internship at vagina notice"
How "such short" became "vagina", i will never know.

In other news, my father miraculously develops a fake accent around German Clients. So you see, idiosyncrasy runs in the family!